Always remember that picking the company with the cheapest bid isn't always the best route to take. Most people who pick the cheapest company when it comes to any kind of work realize that the quality just isn't there. Usually those who went the cheaper route end up paying more at the end of the day.
In the irrigation business, coverage is key. Head to head coverage is industry standard - yet very few people get this right. Contractors will cut corners and do the bare minimum to get the job done. Trying to save time and money but this will just cause problems in the long run. When you pay for an irrigation system you are hoping that the installers are doing what is best for each individual customer; installs should not just be cookie cutter jobs, each and every property is different and this will separate good quality companies from the bad ones.
Good companies will give you a good quality product. Yes, the price of a good company's install will cost more but you will not have to pay more money in the long run to have things fixed or redone. You will spend more money in the long run by trying to go with the cheapest bid.